Stop slamming other people’s recovery!

This has to be said. Lately, I've seen a lot of sobriety posts bashing people’s choices for how they get and stay sober and it makes me sad (ok, a little mad too). Many posts have criticized AA and I get why some people take issue with it but let me ask you this, why are you bashing something that's helped millions of people? Aren't you happy lives have been saved? I would not be alive today without it. I don't think the booze would have taken me, suicide would have.

Here's the deal -- just like you don't love everyone you meet, not every AA group is right for every person. There is SUPPOSED to be consistency to all of them but because humans can totally suck (what? It's true!) and egos get in the way (we alcoholics LOVE to control everything), so it's just not feasible to say you'll love every meeting's approach. And that's ok! You just try and try and try different meetings until you find the right one.

Don't we do this with doctors? Hair stylists? Restaurants? Clothing? Therapists? Life is not about one size fits all and I say bravo to the addicts who don't like the AA approach but have had the strength to try something else! That's what counts.

That's all, getting off my soap box. We can agree to disagree and we should strive to be respectful to one another. I'd rather be celebrating a life in recovery than mourning a death because egos got in the way.


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