Fear is a bitch

Here I am 3.5 years sober and only 9 months ago did I decide to go public about who I am - a recovering alcoholic (and by public, I mean I went all-in on social media AND recorded a podcast episode - eek!).

So why did I wait 3 years to be honest and open? FEAR. Mostly fear of judgment. As humans, we judge one another so harshly, and as women, well, we can be downright awful. Don’t get me wrong, I have GREAT friends that are just lovely, but I have encountered my fair share of terrible women, and admittedly I have a pretty big chip on my shoulder from those beasts🙄. Don’t worry, it’s a character defect I’m working on🥰.

Being in a bubble during the pandemic was comforting. I had a group of individuals that no one else knew about, people who know my story, friends that have helped me heal and rebuild my former self, the self that I was before the drinking got out of hand. Who was that person? Kind, giving, funny, slightly bitchy🤩, and just a pretty cool chic.

What about you? What have you been holding back on because of FEAR? What’s the secret you hold tight? The secret that if you told one person you would finally feel free? How would it feel if you had a community of women who wouldn’t judge? Women who have either been through the same thing or something similar? Maybe you have a community that other women could benefit from and would love to share it here?!

It’s time to BAND TOGETHER as a FORCE. A FORCE of women empowering one another, supporting each other with our honest truths. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Let’s go! Let’s kick fear in the face and show em what we’re made of!

Heather Danby


The Mommy Wine Culture Needs to Stop


How can a mom have a drinking problem?