Am I really doing this?

Holy crap! I’m doing it! After 3 years of wanting to start a podcast about addiction recovery, I have a different idea! Why not build a website that will eventually house the podcast but also includes a blog? A blog encouraging women to support other women by being HONEST about what goes on in their lives because let’s face it, much of social media isn’t real! As women, we need to help one another so we know we are not alone in our struggles. DUH, what a concept!

The Podcast, SHARING OUT LOUD, hasn’t launched yet but just wait. There will be guests from my life in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), there will be mom friends talking about how flipping hard it is to be a parent (all the crap they don’t tell you when they shove you out the hospital door and yell “GOOD LUCK!”), guests discussing what really happens to you after you turn 40 (I AM YOUNG ON THE INSIDE!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BODY???), plus so much more.

Click below to listen to my podcast episode on the Air Hug Community with Judy Arazoza. And for more of my daily life, follow me on Instagram @heathermdanby. I look forward to talking to you again soon!




How can a mom have a drinking problem?